Work Packages (WP)

Here you find an overview of how we have structured our work in LATC. The support provided in LATC is organised in so called work packages (WP).

WP1 24/7 Infrastructure Deployment

  1. Crawler and Indexer
  2. Data Source Inventory
  3. Linking Engine
  4. Quality Assurance Module & Workbench
  5. Models for Distributed Computation
  6. Platform Instrumentation & Analytics

WP2 Test-bed for Data Intensive Applications

  1. Business-related Datasets
  2. Legal Datasets
  3. European Institutions Datasets

WP3 Data Publication & Consumption Tools Library

  1. Initial Set of P&C Tools Library
  2. Evaluation
  3. Extended Set of P&C Tools Library

WP4 Dissemination and Community Relation

  1. Community Support & Interaction
  2. Sustainability and Exploitation

WP5 Management

  1. Project Administration
  2. Reporting and Project Quality Assurance